
LisbonAirQuality aims to collect and analyze the opinions of citizens about the air quality of the city of Lisbon. The initiative is part of a pilot project “Co-Deciding Europe: Civic Tech for Good Governance and Active Citizenship!”, which aims to engage citizens in the formulation of public policies through digital participation and democracy. LisbonAirQuality is based on a methodology split into four phases: problem mapping; listening to ideas for solving problems; selection of ideas; and formulation of public policies.



Obtaining citizens' opinions on air quality in the city of Lisbon, through a universally applicable methodology for evaluating electronic participation experiences.

Collecting solutions to problems identified from ethical social listening, based on big data and privacy protection.

Contribute to the strengthening of democracy by soliciting the opinion of citizens on the subject.

Formulation of public policies on air quality.

Project phases

1st Phase
january - march 2022

Problem mapping

Crowdsourcing process consisting of broad questions to citizens, aiming to obtain as many opinions as possible about ‘air quality’ through an inclusive and simple process.

2nd Phase
march - august 2022

Problem solving

Once Phase 1 is completed, Phase 2 will begin this time to gather citizen solutions to the 'air quality' problems presented in Phase 1.

3rd Phase
august - october 2022

Selection of ideas

In Phase 3 citizens will be asked to evaluate the solutions proposed in Phase 2. This could be done for example through a rating and comparison system in order to highlight the most popular ideas amongst citizens.

4th Phase
october - december 2022

Policy making

Phase 4 will be about the formulation of a policy proposal – for example to impact a specific EU policy on ‘air quality’ or to give recommendations to a future EU policy which will take place only after the crowdsourcing process. The partners will work together to anticipate where citizens’ contributions could feed into in thePhase 4.

Project expectations

Achieve the exchange of learning and know-how throughout the project through a series of events, debates and online courses.

Strengthening democratic culture and civic awareness through the development of a new deliberative-collaborative model.

Enhanced cooperation and better mutual knowledge and understanding among states, donors and beneficiaries.